Monday 23 April 2012

Nail Art - ulta3 Blue Marlin & Mode Starlette

Woopsy daisy, it's been a while since posts. I have no excuses, I'm on holidays too! I do have several unposted swatches and etc. in my nails folder so I should be set for a while.

So, basically with these nails, I wanted to spice up my plain but pretty blue polish, but I didn't really want to have to put the effort in. Spotting some pretty silver polish and a bobby pin, I simply dotted on a few blobs of Starlette and voila! Instant prettiness in five minutes!

So, really, not so instant, but you get the idea...

I'll just let the pictures do the talking, shall I?

Blue Marlin is a really nice blue creme, drying semi matte, and Starlette is a silver glitter that I've had since the beginning of time, hence the shoddy bottle. But it still works perfectly, as do my other Modes.