Saturday 28 April 2012

Rubi - Ring My Bell Zinfandel

I have a Rubi polish to show today. It's a really nice once coater deep red jelly, although I wore two coats because there were a few lighter spots where the polish levels were uneven. Looking at the polish in the bottle I thought it was a vampy red creme, but it was very much a jelly, and an incredibly opaque one, too! Even the lighter spots on my first coat were opaque, there was no VNL. The colour was also really sophisticated looking and I felt really posh wearing it :p

I've looked around on the internet and heard some bad rap about Rubi polishes, namely them separating in the bottle and an ungodly smell. I own 4 polishes, and I haven't noticed any of those problems. The swatches I did see were bottles that had Rubi Shoes as the label, where as all the current ones are plain Rubi, so it's most possible that the formula has been updated since then. There is still a slight chemical smell, but I only really noticed it when I shoved my nose in the bottle, and it disappeared after my nails were dry.

Bottle in Flash

Wednesday 25 April 2012

ulta3 Sizzling Red and Mode Arsonist

Can I start off by saying how amazingly pretty Arsonist is? It's an older polish of mine, sadly running out, but I just love it to bits. It's a deep red with red and gold orange shimmer and it's like a fire within.

My original plan was to marble Sizzling Red and Arsonist and create a really pretty creamy shimmery manicure that would have everyone oohing and ahhing over my nails. I even painted my nails the day before so they'd be extra ready.

Then I came to the realisation that Arsonist did not spread. At all.

So as I sat there at my desk with a roll of tape and my bottles of polish, I came up with a new idea. I placed a piece of tape diagonally across my Sizzling Red nail and painted on some Arsonist. The result was an understated but pretty two toned red mani in the shade, and a gorgeous bright and shimmery red bomb in the sunlight.

I started off with two coats of Sizzling Red, a really nice creme from ulta3 that applied really well and no top coat. Then I placed on a really thick layer of Arsonist, but only one, so there are a few sections that are a tad thinner than others, then my top coat.

I'm looking into getting Seche Vite. Anyone know of any good sites that deliver to Australia?

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Mode Arsonist with Matte Topcoat

So, around about the time I took these photos, I had recently purchased a matte topcoat, and was going through a bit of a make-ALL-the-nail-polishes-matte! kind of phase...


Some polishes just ended up looking flat. And then I put it on Arsonist. And I instantly fell in love and decided I could only really put a matte topcoat over polishes that had some depth.

Not only was this combo pretty, but I spent like the whole time I had it one rubbing it softly against my lips, skin, anything! It felt so lovely and velvety and I just wanted to love all over it!


Ambient Light

Ambient Light

Monday 23 April 2012

Nail Art - ulta3 Blue Marlin & Mode Starlette

Woopsy daisy, it's been a while since posts. I have no excuses, I'm on holidays too! I do have several unposted swatches and etc. in my nails folder so I should be set for a while.

So, basically with these nails, I wanted to spice up my plain but pretty blue polish, but I didn't really want to have to put the effort in. Spotting some pretty silver polish and a bobby pin, I simply dotted on a few blobs of Starlette and voila! Instant prettiness in five minutes!

So, really, not so instant, but you get the idea...

I'll just let the pictures do the talking, shall I?

Blue Marlin is a really nice blue creme, drying semi matte, and Starlette is a silver glitter that I've had since the beginning of time, hence the shoddy bottle. But it still works perfectly, as do my other Modes.